
Centre for Applied Social Sciences

The Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS) unites experts and researchers from a range of disciplines, including health, mental health, education, and business, to address issues of individual and social relevance.

CASS researchers collaborate with a variety of stakeholders including patients, practitioners, policy makers, SMEs, larger businesses, charities and not-for-profit organisations to develop solutions to real-world challenges that are applicable on a local, national and international scale.

The CASS team offer expertise in:

  • Community empowerment and activism
  • Sustainability
  • Participatory methods towards change
  • Critical pedagogies
  • Science of enquiry
  • Social policy

Clinical Audiology, Speech and Language Centre

Members of the Clinical Audiology, Speech and Language (CASL) Research Centre explore speech, language, hearing, signing and swallowing by researching the rich and complex patterns of social, physiological and developmental variation in typical and clinical populations.

The work of this group highlights the vital role that communication plays in society while developing innovative new speech and language assessments, techniques and treatments to improve lives locally, nationally and internationally.

Our audiological clinic rooms, speech research laboratory and articulatory clinic provide access to a wide range of specialist, cutting edge equipment, dedicated to the analysis of speech and disorders of communication.

The CASL team offer expertise in:

  • Improving participation for all speakers, hearers and signers
  • Innovating Ultrasound technologies for speech and swallowing
  • Co-producing evidence-based change with neurodiverse and marginalised populations

Centre for Culture in Society

The Centre for Culture in Society (CCS) aims to deliver innovative exploratory and reflective research and knowledge exchange with direct application to culture, communities, policy and practice.

The Centre enables interdisciplinary collaboration to explore topics such as cultural spaces and experimental environments, identities, lifestyles, discourse, spectatorship and audiences.

The CCS team offer expertise in:

  • Communication and Culture
  • Creative Industries, Screen and Digital Cultures
  • Creative Practice
  • Cultural Memory

Institute for Global Health and Development

The Institute for Global Health and Development (IGHD) undertakes research rooted within the social sciences to understand and positively impact the health and development of vulnerable and marginalised populations globally.

Our researchers aim to provide a critical perspective on issues affecting global health and development, and to identify tangible actions via which they can be addressed.

The IGHD team offer expertise in:

  • Migration and mobility
  • Complex intervention and equity-orientated evaluation
  • Health, policy and systems research, focus on governance and financing
  • Fragile and shock prone environments
  • Psychosocial wellbeing and mental health
  • Participatory methods

Centre for Health, Activity and Rehabilitation

The Centre for Health, Activity and Rehabilitation Research (CHEARR) undertakes research and knowledge exchange activities to enhance quality of life for people living with long-term health conditions and the general population, using nutrition, physical activity and new technologies.

The work conducted within this centre also supports the development of enhanced health and social care professional practice and policy.

Our researchers work closely with collaborators across the healthcare, community, and commercial sectors to develop, evaluate and apply innovative solutions to real-world issues.

The CHEARR team offer expertise in:

  • Food innovation for health and environmental sustainability
  • Sustainable physical activity and exercise interventions for health and wellbeing
  • Assistive and digital technologies to support participation and quality of life

Centre for Person-centred Practice

The core mission of the Centre for Person-centred Practice Research (CPcPR) is to humanise healthcare, by keeping the person at the heart of health and social care.

Academics within the CPcPR work across disciplines to develop and promote new research methodologies that enhance people's experience of care and wellbeing with immediate impact, making a difference locally, nationally, and internationally.

The core activities for this Centre focus on the wellbeing of people living with long-term conditions, such as dementia and osteoporosis, those living in care homes, end of life care, and the use of creative arts to enhance the wellbeing of people receiving and providing health and social care.

The CPcPR team offer expertise in:

  • Creative arts in health, care and wellbeing
  • Wellbeing of people with incurable long-term conditions and those living in care homes
  • Practice/service development
  • Bio-psycho-social interventions to support wellbeing
  • Complex interventions

The Scottish Centre for Food Development and Innovation

性视界传媒 is home to The Scottish Centre for Food Development and Innovation (SCFDI), a team of food scientists, nutritionists and sensory specialists with a wealth of experience in research and development across the food and drink sector.

The SCFDI team are passionate about driving innovation within the food and drink industry and routinely enable businesses (from start-ups and SMEs to large established brands) to develop their products and services via contracted consultancy, research and development and collaborative projects.

The SCFDI team offer expertise in:

  • New product development
  • Reformulation of existing products
  • Extending shelf life
  • Regulation compliance
  • Nutrition calculations
  • Food labelling advice
  • Recipe writing
  • Sensory evaluation (using our purpose-built sensory suite)
  • Gaining consumer insight via our consumer panels

Queen Margaret Business School

Queen Margaret Business School research spans a wide range of disciplines that reflects the diverse interests of our researchers.

Our Research and Knowledge Exchange activities are driven by ethical, social and ecological responsibility.

The Queen Margaret Business School expertise is focused on three areas:

  • Family and Small Businesses
  • Gastronomy, Events, Tourism and Hospitality
  • Consumer Disputes